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About Us
The Academic Department of HarperCollins Publishers is devoted to providing the best in fiction and non-fiction titles and instructor resources for high school and college levels.
We provide exam copies to teachers considering a book for course use and desk copies for teachers who have confirmed a book for course use, both through our online form. We hope the resources you’ll find throughout our site, including teaching guides, will help you decide which books are right for you and your students. As always, if you have any questions, please email us at
Kim Racon, Senior Manager
Sarah George, Marketing Associate
Academic Marketing Department
HarperCollins Publishers
First-Year Student
With a wide variety of books to spark discussion, HarperAcademic’s selection of First-Year titles is the perfect place to find the common book for your students so make sure to download our new catalog!
Visit our First-Year website where you will find new and featured titles, past NODA and FYE speakers’ presentations, and information on special editions and bulk ordering. We’re happy to provide suggestions and sample copies. Contact us at
Authors in the Classroom
When possible, we are happy to help connect your students with the authors they’re reading in class.
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Permissions for Online Story Time, Live Events, and Classroom Read-Aloud Videos
Those seeking permission to stream live or record and share read-aloud story-time events should submit their request via our request form. Permission will be granted to Teachers, Educators, Librarians, Booksellers, and Other Qualified Individuals for distance learning and read-aloud events, if the following conditions are met:
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