Harper Academic

Reinventing Comics

The Evolution of an Art Form

by Scott McCloud

On Sale: 07/25/2000

Price: $26.99

Reinventing Comics

The Evolution of an Art Form

by Scott McCloud

On Sale: 07/25/2000


Price: $26.99

About the Book

In Reinventing Comics—the new century manifesto on the many futures of comics art—the renowned author of Understanding Comics takes a fascinating look at how imagination and technology are revolutionizing comics.

In 1993, Scott McCloud tore down the wall between high and low culture with the acclaimed international hit Understanding Comics, a massive comic book that explored the inner workings of the worlds most misunderstood art form. Now, McCloud takes comics to the next level, charting twelve different revolutions in how comics are created, read, and perceived today.

Part One of this fascinating and in-depth book includes:

  • The life of comics as an art form and as literature
  • The battle for creators' rights
  • Reinventing the business of comics
  • The volatile and shifting public perceptions of comics
  • Sexual and ethnic representation on comics

Then in Part Two, McCloud paints a breathtaking picture of comics' digital revolutions, including:

  • The intricacies of digital production
  • The exploding world of online delivery
  • The ultimate challenges of the infinite digital canvas

Critical Praise

’Scott McCloud’s Reinventing Comics is a manifesto, and an audacious one, irritating as the grain of sand which may one day produce a pearl. It will provoke a lot of arguments, it will make a lot of people think, and it may ultimately change the world a little—which is, after all, what a manifesto is for.” — Neil Gaiman

“Scott McCloud has got to be just about the smartest guy in comics. Once again, he’s opened the floor to a debate that will no doubt go on for years—this time, with not just the definition of comics, but its very fate at stake.” — Frank Miller

“Anyone involved in interactive entertainment (games, web, etc.) should read this book. Scott McCloud has once again transcended the world of comics and tapped into much deeper issues of creativity entertainment and economics. This time he’s looking into the future rather than the past.” — Will Wright

“It may just be the blueprint for the very future of the comics industry.” — Library Journal


Product Details

  • ISBN: 9780060953508
  • ISBN 10: 0060953500
  • Imprint: William Morrow Paperbacks
  • On Sale: 07/25/2000
  • Trimsize: 6.750 in (w) x 10.200 in (h) x 0.590 in (d)
  • Pages: 256
  • List Price: $26.99
  • BISAC2 : COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS: Nonfiction / History
  • BISAC3 : ART / Techniques / Painting
  • BISAC4 : ART / Digital
  • BISAC5 : PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Digital (see also COMPUTERS / Digital Media / Photography)
  • BISAC7 : ART / Techniques / Cartooning
  • BISAC8 : DESIGN / Book
  • BISAC9 : DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Illustration
  • BISAC10 : ART / Criticism & Theory